Pullingers Art Shop sells Fine Art Materials & Graphic Supplies at amazing prices! We have high street stores & are online www.pullingers.com
Pullingers has art stores in Kingston, Farnham & Epsom and a Concession Store on the top floor of Closs & Hamblin in Winchester. We are also online. We stock an extensive range of art supplies for all abilities, including beginners, children, students and professional artists. Buy paints for acrylic, oil or watercolour, canvases, mediums, brushes, card & paper, sketchbooks, inks, glass and fabric paints, pencils, pens, portfolios & more. Choose from all your favourite brands; Daler Rowney, Winsor & Newton, Pebeo, Faber Castell, Bob Ross, Derwent, Liquitex, Posca, Staedtler, Stabilo, Seawhite, Clairefontaine and many more!
At Pullingers we offer tips and advice for beginners & artists. Discuss topics & review products with us on Facebook & Twitter!
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