The Shuropody business started looking after customers’ foot healthcare back in 2007 – fast-forward to 2021 and we are now the UK’s largest podiatry business with over 100 podiatry clinics across almost 50 stores and we are proud to look after more than 300,000 patients that visit our stores and clinics every year.
At Shuropody we are really passionate about great foot healthcare because we know that our feet are the most used and abused part of our body. We also know the the average person will, in their lifetime, walk the distance equal to walking around the world five times! We also know that we have 26 bones, 33 joints and over 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments in these incredible feet, so that’s why we are so passionate about delivering great foot healthcare to all our customers.
Our 120+ fully qualified HCPC registered Podiatrists offer great foot healthcare service everyday, in every store, from free foot health checks to soothing foot baths to detailed biomechanical assessments and we can absolutely say that no other footwear retailer in the UK can offer its customers this level of footcare services – we are the UK’s No.1 for outstanding footcare service.
We have a promise at Shuropody and that promise is that we will always provide all our customers with the highest standard of service in our clinics and in our footcare and footwear departments.
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